Metallic epoxy is a hot new trend in high-traffic flooring that offers a unique style, and adds dimension to any space. The smooth, glass-like finish and shimmering surface enhances interior floors, and offers the flexibility to create your own individual look!

Foyers and entryways
Sales floors
Hotel lobbies
Fashion centers
Children’s facilities
Display or exhibition halls
Vehicle dealerships
Educational facilities
Cannabis + dispensaries
High Durability
Water Resistant
Decorative Colors
Unique Styles
Quick Installation
More about Metallic Epoxy Flooring
Metallic epoxy is formulated like standard epoxy flooring, but with one key difference: the introduction of tiny metallic pigment throughout the epoxy mix. Once the epoxy is poured, smoothed, and left to cure, the result is absolutely dazzling.
A metallic epoxy floor is filled with metallic pigments to create sparkling swirls and wave-like patterns. There’s even an element of dimensionality, giving depth and character to the floor. Better yet, every metallic epoxy floor is completely unique.
These blends utilize metallic particles within the epoxy mix that, when spread, create mesmerizing swirls and patterns. This is another excellent choice when you want a floor which is functional and beautiful. They also tend to offer better grip than other types of epoxy.